Tell me

and I forget

Teach me

and I remember

Involve me

and I learn. (Benjamin Franklin)

Jobs and Places of work

11 de outubro de 2012

Sugestão de aula:

1. Conversar sobre a importância das profissões.

Todas as profissões são importantes para nossas vidas, pois dependemos uns dos outros.  Devemos respeitar todas elas, pois nos auxiliam em nossas vidas.

2. Apresentar o vídeo abaixo, para que os alunos percebam o trabalho e o que o profissional faz. Discutir a importância da profissão.

3. Para a ampliação do vocabulário, apresentar o slide.

4. Cantar a música.

5. Alunos pesquisam no laboratório de informática informações sobre uma profissão para desenvolver o trabalho:

a. Pesquise as seguintes informações sobre uma profissão:
- Nome da profissão:
- Local do trabalho:
- Vestuário utilizado pelos profissionais:
- O que fazem nesta profissão:

b. Escreva um pequeno texto em 1ª pessoa (em Inglês) com estas informações.
Ex: Hello! My name is Peter and I am a fireman. I work in the fire station. I wear a red suit, black boots and a black helmet. My job is to put out fires and help people victims of flooding. I love my job!

c. Crie um fantoche do profissional escolhido (com materiais recicláveis, tecidos, papéis, EVA, etc...).

d. Apresente-o para a turma, utilizando o texto em inglês.

Sites que podem auxiliar na criação do fantoche:

6. Escreva o seu texto (em inglês) no campo "COMENTÁRIO".

7. Escolha 30 profissões e escreva-a no seu caderno com a sua tradução.

Extra activities

Job mixer:
Text - What will I be when I grow up? :
Music -  People work:
Text: The super jobs:

Parabéns!!! As apresentações ficaram um SHOW!!

24 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

hello! My name is Fernando and I'm an engineer. I work in the fire station.i wear a red suit, black boots and a black helmet. It is the branch of engineering that designs, manages and performs works such as houses, buildings, bridges, viaducts, roads, dams, canals and ports.

Anônimo disse...

hello my name is silvana. I am a judge, working in courts and resolve democratic work. I wear a large black clothing.

Ketelen 6E disse...

Hello!My name is Jhon and I'm a bus driver.I drive a bus.I wear social, jeans and sunglasses.My job is to get people to their destination.I love my job!

Juan Pablo 6e disse...

Hello!My name is Juan .Im a footbal player .i work in the fields of footbal.I play ball to score the goal . I wear a T-shirt,shorts and cleads

Jessica e Sthefany - 6 E disse...

Hi I'm Gabrielly and work as a chef. I work in Cracko, restaurant near the center. I use white uniform. I do cook: cakes, French and Chinese food, also do homemade juices. if you want to know more, just go to this restaurant ... bye

silvana disse...

hello!My name is Silvana .I am a judge, working in corts and resolve democratic work.I wear a large black clothing.

andre luiz ë disse...

hello!my name is andre.i am a mexican figter .i wark inside ring .my goal is to defat all,i wark a mask and pants...

alisson campos disse...

hello!my name is alison i am a singer. i work on a stage,and i wear several types of clothes, my job is to make people happy.

lucas e vitor 6ªE disse...

hello!my name is Victor.I'm a football player.I use like all football players uniform,as shorts,shirt,stocking and shoe.I'm one of the lest football players on the team


hello my nome is joe work in a car companiI WEAR a jumpsuit and shoes MY JOE IS TO LUX AND DRAIVE CAR

joao victor disse...

hello my neme is joe work in a car conpny i wear a junpsuit aand shoes my job is to fix and drive car

Ellena e Ana Paula 6ºF disse...

Hi! My name is Marce and I'm a pirate. I work on a ship. In my work I'm pretty much a thief, plundering several ships looking for riches.

Eduarda Natasha 6 série F disse...

Hi! My name is Arthur. I wory in the studio. My profession is a painter. I wear a hat,a shirt full of ink blue pants and a shoe. In this profession. I paint pictures, and do works of art. I love to paint.

fernando e gabriel 6ªf disse...

Hello!my name is fernando and I am a detective .I work in the street.I wear a grey coat ,a hat,blue pants and black shoes.My job is make ciminds investigations,tho help the police to arrest the criminals .I love my job

Eduardo 6F disse...

hello my name is gabriel eduardo
i am fisherman, working with sinple clothes and a slipper in the sea,isell fishon the beache,i have a fishmonger in downton ipanema like this jobi because i do not too much effort and that's what i like.

kawany\bruna disse...

kawan:hello,we are lifeguards,as we all know ,lifeguards saved people's lives,tris is our job.

bruna: we work at the beach in the morning until the evening.wear hats,shorts,shirt and swimwear.

Vinicius 6F disse...

hi my name is vinicius my profession is to be a hero. I wear the red suit. I save people when they are in danger.

luan disse...

hi my name is luan and profession i to play use stadion. you shirt,short e boot.a half and my job is to score goals and win the match

Anônimo disse...

Hello. My name is Beatriz and is am a ballerina.I love you ballerina.My friend Rafaella sha is a ballerina

Patrick 6H disse...

hello!My name is Bryan and I am astronaut. i work in a space station. I wear a white suit,white boots and white helmet. My job is to explore planets. I love my job.


hello!my name is Johny I am a police officer.I work in the delegacy.I wear a regimentals.I hold bandits.I love my job!

mariana disse...

Hello!my name is mariana,I'm veterinary.I work im my clinic.I wear white cloths and a white work is combat animal diseases .I love my job.

Alyne 6h disse...

Hello!My name is Priscilla and I'm a model.I work in an agency model.I wear modeyn clothes.My job is parading.I love my job

allan 6h disse...

hello!my name is peter and i am a artist.i work in the studio.i wear a beret and a apron.My job is to paint pictures.i love my job!

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