Tell me

and I forget

Teach me

and I remember

Involve me

and I learn. (Benjamin Franklin)

The verb to be

23 de abril de 2012

Todos nós temos características que o outro não conhece, pois nem sempre temos a oportunidade de demonstrar quem realmente somos.
A sugestão de aula de hoje é valorizar o que cada um é e também aceitar suas diferenças.

1. Sentados em um círculo, os alunos assistirão um vídeo e serão levados a dizer quem são (qualidades, habilidades, ...), utilizando uma placa com a frase "Who I Am".

2. Utilizando a letra da música, iniciar a revisão do VERBO TO BE.

3. Utilizando a lousa digital, fazer os exercícios online sobre o verbo to be.


4. Game Who I am

Opção 1:
Os alunos devem sentam em círculo e recebem um cartão com uma figura de um personagem. Pedir para que não mostrem para seus colegas. O jogo começa com o professor mostrando seu personagem, dizendo em inglês:

TELMA (TEACHER): I AM Barbie. (joga a bola para um aluno - Carlos)
CARLOS: (aponta para Telma) You ARE Barbie. I AM Hércules. (joga a bola para outro aluna - Carol)
CAROL: (aponta para Telma) YOU ARE Barbie, HE IS Hércules AND I AM Dayse. 

Cada aluno apontado deve dizer tudo o que os outros disseram, apontando cada aluno e finalizando sempre com "você é ____, ele/ela é ____, eu sou ____."

5. Para finalizar o tema proposto, os alunos podem escrever uma poesia com o título "Who I am". Os poemas podem ser arquivados em um livro da turma.


4 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Hello Teacher Telma!

I was surfing on the internet with the theme English Groups for free conversation and saw that you have some blogs which I visited and also found out that you and some friends used to gather on saturdays to practice English.

Is this group still going on? I ask this, because I studied English for so many years and lived abroad, but now. I don't speak English very often and would like to make some friends who like to speak and English teachers would be great, although I am not teacher, but like the language though.

Also, I may know you, but not sure. My name is Joel Purkot and guess if you are who I think you are, you have relatives in Araucária.

Best regards,

Joel Purkot

Telma Lenita Zen disse...

Hello, Joel.

Unfortunately we aren't studying in group this year, but problably next year we'll study in group again. If it happens, I can keep you inform.

I have some relatives in Araucária... do you know them?

Anônimo disse...

Yes I do know them! Well, now I know who you are and probably you know me and my family. I guess your father and mother are my sister's Regina godparents.

The last time I saw you and your family, it was about 18 years ago. I was a teenager by that time, so were you.

How are your parents doing? Your mom and dad? I hope they are doing great.

Thanks for the answer and Cool to contact you, dispite all these years.

When you come back with the English groups, I would like to be part of it. It is always good to learn and practice more. Specially with good teachers. Well, I guess I would be very shy to speak with good English speakers, but I would give it a try!

I've seen you love what you do. It is awesome!

Take care,

Telma Lenita Zen disse...

That's correct! My parents will love to see a picture of her sister and her family.
I remembered that your parents sold potatos... Tell me about them.
And you? Did you study English abroad or learned in Brazil?
Can you give a contact of her sister? Send to:

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