Try to guess!

Tente adivinhar quais são estas frutas e vegetais!
Leia as informações e escreva, em inglês, o seu nome.

1. Name a fruit that starts with "A." It is white on the inside and can be red, yellow, or green on the outside.
2. Name a long, thin fruit that starts with "B." It is yellow on the outside and white on the inside.
3. Name a long, thin, orange vegetable that grows underground. It starts with a "C."
4. Name a sweet fruit that grows in bunches on vines. It starts with "G ."
5. Name a sour, yellow fruit that starts with "L."
6. Name a green, leafy vegetable that tastes good in salads. It starts with an "L."
7. Name a vegetable that is brown on the outside and white on the inside. It grows underground and starts with the letter "P."
8. Name a sweet, red fruit that starts with "S."
9. Name a soft, red fruit that starts with "T." It is not sweet.
10. Name a sweet fruit that starts with "W." It is green on the outside and pink on the inside.

Escreva em COMENTÁRIOS, em ordem, com os números das perguntas.
Não esqueça de escrever o seu nome e turma!